By maxiflouf - 28/12/2008 09:50 - France

Today, someone I used to know got in touch with me, after I hadn't heard from him in years. He insisted that we met up as soon as possible, and wanted me to go to his house that afternoon. I spent the afternoon repairing his computer. Since then, no news. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 839
You deserved it 2 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah dude, I hate "friends" that only want to talk to you when they need tech help.

PaperxHearts_xox 0

That sucks. He's obviously using you. Next time, just refuse. you don't need that type of friend anyways /: It's happened to me quite a bit before...>.


Yeah dude, I hate "friends" that only want to talk to you when they need tech help.

yep, the only time my grandad wants to know me is when his computer is broken

PaperxHearts_xox 0

That sucks. He's obviously using you. Next time, just refuse. you don't need that type of friend anyways /: It's happened to me quite a bit before...>.

i second this. getting worse when your family is doing the same thing, so .. just tell them to **** off, best solution. calling you once a year, wanting to show you something on the computer and then, out of nowhere, "wow, that worked before. could you check that?" bitches..

etherealjoy 0

i hope next time he calls you give him a big '**** OFF!!!'

CountDuk 5

Well nerdy people do nerdy things for their non-nerdy friends. But still: FYL because that sounds boring unless your a big fat nerd.

ur an idiot, what may be boring for you may be fun for others. i live a very exciting life, and i know a lot about computers.

Gondile 4

Don't be such a Countdick, 8!

TayLovesMattx3 0
massacreman3000 1