By bundie - 28/12/2008 07:02 - France

Today, my cat didn't quite manage to eat the whole turkey because it was frozen. He just licked it all over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 474
You deserved it 5 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reminds me of the time my mom's wedding cake was eaten by the cat. They just patched it up with icing and served it later.

Oh geez dude! Seriously, cat's aren't parasites. Nothing is wrong with your turkey. I've lived with cats all my life and they've done things like that and 'worse' and I'm not dead nor have I ever gotten sick from them. Cat spit is cleaner than ours.


So what? You planned to eat it without cooking it? If you cook it it absolutely doesn't matter. its still gross. you never know, you should always be careful

The problem is that her turkey is now contaminated, i dunno what gave u the impression she might not cook it

Oh geez dude! Seriously, cat's aren't parasites. Nothing is wrong with your turkey. I've lived with cats all my life and they've done things like that and 'worse' and I'm not dead nor have I ever gotten sick from them. Cat spit is cleaner than ours.

NewMarine 0

No. Dog saliva is cleaner because of enzymes that kill bacteria. Cat saliva is very bacteria filled and potentially dangerous. Thats why getting bit by a cat is worse than being bit by a dog.

4wow4 0

CATS CANT GIVE PARASITES UNLESS THEY HAVE ONE!!! Cook it and it would be fine. parasites cant survive above 150 degrees. it is fine. just. cook it.

Reminds me of the time my mom's wedding cake was eaten by the cat. They just patched it up with icing and served it later.

iLuvCupcakesxoxo 0

awww kitty kitty kitty hahaha

buttFock 0

yummy yummy yummy I GOT FOOD IN MY TUMMY nom nom yum yum