By MattVh - 12/01/2010 17:23 - Belgium

Today, someone had put a lock on my bike. While I was trying to saw it off, the police drove by. I was arrested for trying to steal a bike and released four hours later when they figured out that it was actually my bike. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 938
You deserved it 2 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you just carry around a saw with you all the time?

haha! I saw that on balls of steel oh and I'm doing a jig because I'm first (let's go down the disco!)


haha! I saw that on balls of steel oh and I'm doing a jig because I'm first (let's go down the disco!)

A "first" comment that made me smile. Well done. :)

Kingdutch 3

Yeh indeed, sad though he gets down voted for using the word "first" in his post =| Come on guys, he actually made a good post it's not like all he only said "FIRST!" Anywho, that's pretty damn funny. *Goes to the bike shop and buys a chain lock*

aeslehc_ 0

well at least you got your bike back?

That truly sucks. But at least you got your bike back.

Daowner 0

Hahah! That sux! I would be like that's my f'ing bike!!!

Can anyone tell me how to pronounce the name of the place where this FML originated? (not Belgium)

Your fith, idiot...btw OP, hope you got your bike back, if the police took you in for something that wasnt your fault, its the least they could do!

First of all, what is a 'fith'? And second... what about his fith? If you're going to say "your fith", you've gotta have a verb somewhere. Did you mean to say "your fith is an idiot"? If so, you should know that commas don't work as indefinite articles in the English language.

you just carry around a saw with you all the time?

fretforyerlatte 0

the bike could have been right outside the OP's house..doesn't say where he left it. really this is most likely because otherwise you'd think they would lock it up themselves.

In Ghent (also in Belgium), the police just looks away when someone is trying to steel a bike. That's how mine got stolen, four times.

I had a feeling the OP was lying when he said the police actually did something.

Today, somebody stole my bike. I just bought a new lock for it. FML

MasterOfTheXP 2

That's an FML, not a comment. :)