By Anonymous - 23/12/2016 09:19

Today, I saw a bike locked to a short bollard, making it very easy to steal. Being as nice as I am, I stayed, hoping the owner would come soon and no one else would take it. Then the guy who bullied me in highschool showed up, asked me what I was doing, laughed at me, took the bike, and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 242
You deserved it 1 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm just trying to figure out if he stole it or if it was his bike.

#5 when you say it you're not even saying should of, you're saying should've, there is no reason to ever think it's should of.


Rawrshi 25

Well, you can cross security off of the list of future careers.

I'm just trying to figure out if he stole it or if it was his bike.

It's easy to regret the action now - but think about it, OP. You have shown yourself to be a good person. What if it was a sweet old grandma's bike? Good deeds are good deed. Thanks for being a good person.

only a $w33Ť grandma would be able to ride a bike

No they shouldn't have. Also, it's "should have". Not "should of".

#5 when you say it you're not even saying should of, you're saying should've, there is no reason to ever think it's should of.

The world has a funny way of coming back to bite those people. Very few people who would do that for someone. never lose it!

If the bully is the owner then no harm done. If the owner then shows up, you can now tell them and the police exactly who took their bike.

He was somewhat right. Why would you do that?

corky1992 33
countryb_cth 38

You'll get the last laugh when you report him to the cops and he's arrested. That will teach him not to blatantly steal in front of someone.