By sadgirlhours - 26/08/2019 19:01 - United States - Gulfport

Today, I tried plugging in my Gatorade bottle with a charging cable instead of my phone. I couldn't tell if the reason was because I was high, or I'm just really that fucking stupid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 573
You deserved it 1 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Probably both. Find me one person who has never done something stupid, high or not, and I'll give you my next paycheck.


Exactly. A little from Column A, a little from Column B.

Probably both. Find me one person who has never done something stupid, high or not, and I'll give you my next paycheck.

Getting high = Handing the keys to your brain to your drug of choice and trusting the drug not to make things worse = DEFINITION of stupid.

ftpallday666 16

Definitely because you’re high

Why would you plug a phone into your sports drink?

colderthanyou 15

You could be an eccentric genius. Gatorade contains electrolytes which is an element of battery chemistry. Given the right anode and cathode, you may be able to charge your phone. You could be the next Nikola Tesla!