By Allie - 23/11/2018 12:00

Today, right after I finished writing a very important paper and saved it to my hard drive, my barely 2-year-old Macbook decided to completely stop functioning. I went to the Apple store and even they can't get it to turn on. That's $1500 down the drain along with my grade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 811
You deserved it 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Always back up important documents to an external hard drive/flash drive. You never know when the shit will hit the fan.

bass_ftp 12

No offense but who the hell doesn't keep intermediate backups of important files in a cloud or or secondary hardware these days? Hardware dies ALL THE TIME, that's why for anything more important than some temporary stuff you don't save it in just 1 place.


Always back up important documents to an external hard drive/flash drive. You never know when the shit will hit the fan.

Google Rossman Group and save $1350 and get your laptop / data back

Maybe the computer can’t power on, but you should be able to extract the hard drive and retrieve its contents.

If i recall correctly the MacBook storage is actually soldered onto the Motherboard you can't.

Nhayaa 21

And that's why I'll never buy any Apple products. It's expansive, you can't change or add pieces and once it stops working, you just cry and start all over again.

Never it apple without apple care. They actually swapped out an old ass lappy of mine, matching it spec for spec because towards the end of Apple care, it spent more time with them. With the new storage device, I had to wait a week for them to get the 5TB chip, which was probably more than my system was worth when it shit the bed. If you don’t put the warranty on something that expensive that will eventually shit the bed, since all computers do at some point, ydi.

bass_ftp 12

No offense but who the hell doesn't keep intermediate backups of important files in a cloud or or secondary hardware these days? Hardware dies ALL THE TIME, that's why for anything more important than some temporary stuff you don't save it in just 1 place.

chessu 21

While I feel for you, I'm gonna go YDI on this one because either you it out of this FML to emphasise the situation or you really didn't save any back ups which in this day and age is just blind stupid. You don't even need to save it on a USB stick or whatever, just every now and again copy it to Google Docs and access it wherever you want. When I was writing my dissertation my laptop was on its last legs and I wasn't in a position to buy a new one, so I wrote the entire thing on Google Docs and home and formatted it properly whenever I was working from the university.

Google reads everything you write to use for marketing shit to you. Just keep that in mind when you’re using their “free” service.

chessu 21

Google makes my life so much easier and ads are coming through anyway so they may as well be relevant.

Apple actually sets to automatically save to your iCloud account when using their software, unless if you turn it off. No excuse to not have a backup. Though I do feel op’s pain. I’m sure we’ve all screwed up with backing up once or twice. Just most of us don’t get unlucky when it happens.

Hopefully you can find someone to get out the HDD and pull off the contents for you, OP. As for everyone else, she said "right after", so five bucks says that it died before she even had a chance to hit "save". Show some compassion.

No, it says right after she saved it. There's a bit of compassion, but anything important I don't want destroyed or deleted, I'm using Google Docs, instantly saves in intervals. Any cloud service does, even old af Dropbox detects saves and instantly backs up. It's been available for years. OP will now know how to protect things. Live and learn I suppose. OPs HDD should be fine though. $100~ to recover all files if needed. People think a computer dying means everything is lost, but computers are more than storage.

You bought a mac, what did you expect besides complete and utter failure.

Might want to switch to Windows or a Chromebook. Just about anything can kill a MacBook.

Sorry op but that’s what you get by being an Apple user. You wouldn’t have that issue with Microsoft. (Said the one who wrote this comment from an iPhone). Lol