Always save to the cloud!

By beachedwhale21 - 22/06/2020 05:01

Today, I finally finished typing up a story I had been working on for about 7 months, saved it on my computer and left to hang with friends. Came home later to find my dad had sold my laptop in order to pay his phone bill. My hard work is now gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 048
You deserved it 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Douglas E Thompson Jr 5

Maybe you should sell your dad do you can pay for your laptop


That's a pretty good story. I'll bet it's better than the one you lost. Maybe you can write a wacky, madcap romp about you and your misfit friends tracking down the computer. In the final scene, you open the computer and read this story to your friends. When you get to the dramatic ending, all the friends are asleep or bored shitless. You then break the fourth wall, look into the camera and say, "I can't write a ******' story!" You're welcome.

bloopaloop 27

Wow! That’s a better story than any new movie I’ve seen in 10 years!

Douglas E Thompson Jr 5

Maybe you should sell your dad do you can pay for your laptop

Douglas E Thompson Jr 5

Maybe you can sell your dad so you can pay for your laptop

Get your dad to tell you whoever he sold it to, whatever it takes. Ask them to sell it back, or at least let you get the files off it. Then, for the love of all that glows, backup everything.

Are you over 18 and did you pay for it? If so, get him arrested for stealing. Can you get it back? Find out who he sold it to and ask them at least for the file if not the whole computer.

Back up in a USB / cloud. Always. Your computer could stop working / be stolen anytime (or be sold, apparently... )