Enlightened centrism

By Anonymous - 27/11/2021 20:01

Today, I asked my right-of-center best friend what exactly he hates about Critical Race Theory. His only coherent answer was, “It’s too critical!” This is my son’s godfather. FML
I agree, your life sucks 740
You deserved it 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"And also there's 'race' in it, so it's totally racist! And it's just a theory anyway, so none of it is proven!"

dougierocks 13

It saves him trying to explain common sense to someone who obviously has none… like teaching a pig to sing.


dougierocks 13

It saves him trying to explain common sense to someone who obviously has none… like teaching a pig to sing.

The right-wing pricks' howling about Critical Race Theory provides evidence to support the true theory. Derrick Bell's theory is that anytime there is any advancement in anti-discrimination, there will be a conservative backlash. He is spot-on these days.

The reason he can't explain what Critical Race Theory actually means is because the entire plan was to use Critical Race Theory as an umbrella term for any kind of examination of racism. The guy who made using the term popular with conservatives has literally said "The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think 'Critical Race Theory'" Players take the knee to protest black rights - Critical Race Theory. Juneteenth becomes a holiday - Critical Race Theory. Someone gets mugged by a black person - Critical Race Theory. So it's not surprising that the average person can't say what Critical Race Theory is, they're not supposed to be able to explain it.

I honestly hate questions like this, because it's hard to answer them in 5 minutes or less. It's usually not about the point in question itself, but about the circumstances, like how it is used, spread, advertised. Like, when people oppose BLM, they rarely oppose the core idea but rather the execution and all the side-effects/collateral damage that come with it.

It's hard to say "I'm racist" without saying you're racists?

Could you enlighten us and give us a singular example of CRT being advertised outside Fox News and similar far-right "news" outlets? CRT is a branch of sociology, and you'll hardly hear about it outside Social Sciences department in universities. I suggest you go take a look at any "liberal" news outlet. You'll be hard-pressed to find a single reference to CRT other than to show the far-right howling mad about it.

"And also there's 'race' in it, so it's totally racist! And it's just a theory anyway, so none of it is proven!"