By someonesomething - 05/12/2009 11:24 - United States

Today, one of the comic companies I submitted to, replied back. They said that the story was boring, and the main character bland, generic, uncultured, had no potential for personal growth, a suburbanite, and an ignorant shut-in. I based the personality of the main character on my own. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 250
You deserved it 12 819

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kylias 6
LoveFifteen 0

To be honest, the comic company is probably pretty accurate in its assessment.


You, deserve it, for whining, about feedback, you received, from a publisher. Did you, seriously, expect them to, reply, "Oh my God you are the best writer ever you are perfect here is a billion dollars!" Get over yourself.

@Ejigantor needs to learn how commas work seriously

That's not sarcasm that's just pure stupidity, it's not even a sarcastic comment you retard

You clearly have no idea what sarcasm is. Go to school you vile streak of toxic human waste

choochootrain 0

Uhhhhh, if a company replied in the exact language you cited, you probably don't want to be affiliated with them anyway. In my experience, big names resort to very PC, "Gosh-let's-not-hurt-the-poor-kiddie's-wee-heart-and-blame-it-on-the-lack-of-funds-cause-of-the-recession" rejections.

Maybe you can make a webcomic? After all, a lot of blatantly self-inserted characters make for 'successful' webcomics. See (but don't limit yourself to): The Least I Could Do, CTR ALT DEL, Dominic Deegan, Mega Tokyo...

Holy shit, somebody knows Dominic Deegan. OP COULD go the webcomic route. In any case, the web is full of people with nothing else to do but read a free comic.

vi4 0

You deserved it for thinking it would be a good idea to base a character on yourself. That's the most juvenile character-writing tactic ever. I hope you realize that now.

Fallen_teenager 0

That's what you deserve for doing a Mary-Sue. Only the stupidest storywriters base characters upon themselves, because they lack the creativity to do anything else.

strawberryswirl 0

Characters will ALWAYS be bland if you base them on yourself.

I find it interesting that the company slammed the character for being, among other things, a "suburbanite". While basing the main character on yourself is always a risky move and usually a bad instinct, maybe their negative reaction was exaggerated because they're pretentious and too-hip-for-the-room themselves.

Base it off of yourself, and then give the character a quirk or "Moe Point." Or... Write a parody. Those are good to start with.