By Our Talisman - 01/08/2010 19:41

Today, I was at a red light when the guy next to me gave me that look people give when they want a street race. I won, but I should've seen the word "Sheriff" written on the side of his car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 849
You deserved it 82 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_good_times 0

Wow, with an eyesight as good as yours you prolly shouldn't be driving anyway, so I hope he took your license.

TeeHooligan 0


The_good_times 0

Wow, with an eyesight as good as yours you prolly shouldn't be driving anyway, so I hope he took your license.

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YDI for seeing the guy next to you give you the look as if he wanted a street race, then winning and finding out that his car said "sheriff" on it.

greeneyedgoalie7 0

wow that's a win. good job sir

Op you didn't win unless you were in a stolen car and got away. Otherwise, you lose.

So if I want race someone I have to look at them a certain way? Wow, street racing just became 48% more gay.

texasmadeG 0

you won the race but at the end you lose. fail.

KiddNYC1O 20
xiShawnx 0
pingpongpenguin 3

ydi for spelling sheriff wrong

FYL_hardd 0

I'm thinking this could be fake. I mean, if he could see the "racing look", how can he not see Sheriff on the car until after? Something's not right here.

M_Edwards_8596 0
FYL_hardd 0

& plus if he saw Sheriff written on the car, how does he not know how to spell it?

KiddNYC1O 20

68- change your name to i_failso_ harddd

foork 0

bad spellers of the world UNTIE!!

I thought that joke went, "Dyslexics of the world, UNTIE!" (No offense to dyslexics; I'm just repeating it)

comepoopwithme 0

fly. he's just mad he lost.

ohh_no_why_me 0

that's entrapment if he intentionally led you on to participate in the race but YDI for not paying attention

AeolusMDD 0

65; that's what I was thinking, OP u didn't win because u forgot to flip him off! but good job though.

seriously the worst ******* FML ever, how come my good ones doesnt Get accepted? This is shit.

It's entrapment because he looked at the OP? o_O If it's legal to dress as a *****, lead a guy to a hotel, and then quote prices for services before busting him, it's legal to give a guy a look. I bet he was just scoping the guy out anyway.

deafeningsilence 8

I like how OP managed to put "I won" in there. (:

Total win for the Better Off Dead movie reference!!

greg1234567890_fml 2

wait was this taken from family guy? cuz a very similar thing happened on family guy...

AngryNinja 1

I was going to call OP a dumbass/****, but others beat me to it. Ps- I'm not surprised if this is off Family Guy. People aren't very creative when making up FMLs.

psuboy 0

my best friend died street racing. so I would say if you stop racing and a fine is the only thing you get for it then you got off lucky

sweetdreams999 0

dude get some new lines. lol

owned!!!!! ps. why is this @ the love category?

zuratai 0

I want to cover u with barbeque sauce and eat u like some nice prime ribs omnomnomnom

sourgirl101 28

Haha 99 you figured that movie out too. Great job Mercy. I want my two dollars!

123- I think it goes to the love category by default.

So he DID race you? Or maybe you "won" the pursuit.

JustinKingr 0

it's funny because you raced a sherif and went over the speed limit.

pingpongpenguin 3
endawmyke 0

ur so rite so das ur fault for being so dumb '

TeeHooligan 0
aliaysleighbasic 0

you think you might need to go to the doctor for glasses now?

thewhiteninja 0

I think this may be considered as an epic fail....

Noob30 0

**** glasses! He shoulda been thinking about street race overtime!

This reminds me of Family Guy. Is your name Meg? If so, FYL. :)

greeneyedgoalie7 0

I dont find the word '****' funny. Do you?

greeneyedgoalie7 0

Oh my god, you noticed a word I purposely put in my name and pointed it out! *clap* Let's put a gold star by your name!

Yes, but you exclaimed, "**** haha." That made me think that you found the word '****' funny.

greeneyedgoalie7 0

I was being sarcastic and yes I would love my gold star

greeneyedgoalie7 0
greeneyedgoalie7 0
PaintTheStars 2

Can I have the gold star then?

wow someone needs a show on 20/20 haha get it 20/20 vision ahaha I am too funny.

It's because you forgot to give him the finger.

FMLephant 2

Did you win? oh wait, I guess not if he caught your dumb ass

I_have_no_clue 0

No, I think it's a tie now. Remember, OP won the race.

aShLeE52210 0

You....Dumb....Idiot..... And yes....You Deserved It (YDI as well)

Liar, liar, pants on fire iiCaptain! It stands for 'Yodeling Dummies Instigate'


ydi means you deserve it , hottie :)