By Anonymous - 27/12/2014 20:53 - United States - Tucson

Today, I got into a fight with my sister. Later on she brought me a bowl of tortilla chips, which I thought was her way of apologizing. I found out too late that she'd licked the flavoring off them and it was really her way of saying "Fuck you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 114
You deserved it 4 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iTzSelverZz 14

why is nobody commenting on the amount of **** he would need for it to pass as Alfredo sauce?


What a cruel sister... But don't worry, all sisters are like that!

All sisters are not in fact like that.

Actually, no. All sisters are not like this

orbit 22

yeah.. I have 5 brothers and 3 sisters. I'm the second youngest. my siblings and I fight but we don't do that sort of thing..

um...#19. im right here, and im deffinently not a girl.....

RecklessLove 18

You should make her some pasta. Instead of Alfredo sauce, you should **** on it.

Um. That is just messed up and uncalled for. This isn't the south where dating your cousin is okay, this is OPs sister.

There's something seriously wrong with you #2.

That isn't really at the same level as licking something.

why is nobody commenting on the amount of **** he would need for it to pass as Alfredo sauce?

Shadowblast423 3

really #4 Why perpetuate Southern US stereotypes when you're supposed to be the good guy here

xChaos 29

Alright, calm down there satan

SystemofaBlink41 27

#21, And the amount of dedication as well!

I need to grow a pair when I find even the thought, even joking, of jizzing on food and having your sister eat it is not okay? No matter how you look at it, it is not normal and licking flavoring off chips does not deserve that.

tantanpanda 26

#56, Yea, it's pretty gross, but you didn't have to include an offensive stereotype in your opinion now did you?

It was a ******* joke people. And **** you #4 for your stereotypical remark about the South. You can kiss my ass and eat my **** biotch.

Siblings, always have a way to get you back. No matter what.

iTzSelverZz 14

did you really just get away with this pun? amazing. 3 thumbs up

Scorn women are more vicious then the military. Makes me question what you did. Time to start plotting vengeance.

jojimugo 20

Meh... I was expecting worse, I mean that mean but not evil


That is nacho way of apologizing