By myleghurts - 12/11/2012 06:50 - Australia - Strathfield

Today, on my way to school, I was shouted at by an obnoxious businessman for sitting down on the train when a "full fare paying passenger" was standing. I would normally have given him the seat straight away, except I have a broken leg. I showed him my leg and crutches. He still made me get up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 459
You deserved it 3 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have stayed sat down, some people are just plain horrible. Hope your leg heals soon :)

rintintin19 5

what an asshole, i would have held on to that seat for dear life.


jadejazmyn 5

that was dumb u shouldn't have gotten up. he had no power until u gave it to him

Why_Not31 12

Should've bared your teeth and started growling at him. People usually stop bugging me when I do that.

nicholasj96 9

Why get up ? I woulda stayed my ass there until my stop came .

You should have stayed sitting down

xdaftpunkxloverx 10

Why did you let him "make you" stand up? You have just as much right as he did to have that seat, and you basically rewarded him for being an entitled prick. =/

helpfulperson 9

Crutch or not, you deserve it for not telling him to piss off

I would have stared at him as I put my headphones on and just sat there giving him a teenage death glare