By Anonymous - 01/03/2010 00:03 - United States

Today, my younger sister said that she was going to pray for her brother's HIV. I have Primary Immune Disease (PID) not HIV. School will be very interesting tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 960
You deserved it 2 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha. that sucks! something like that happened to me. I was in the 6th grade an missed school cuz I had hives. H-I-V-E-S turned into HIV! :P dumb kids!

Woodsy007 0

isn't it weird how kids change stories. I went sledding and hit a rock with my chin, I fractured my jaw. I came back to school a week later to have 3 kids ask me how it felt to get hit by a truck.


I died a little after hearing that...

cincyboy 0
chicmagnet939 0

you should give her your AIDS

asianwolf 2

lollol this can be resolved though. just tell your sister that she has it wrong and she can say that she was wrong. maybe it won't work completely but it will work on some people.

awwwww!!!! that seriously stinks. you will probably spend tomorrow ignoring questions about who you screwed.

tweetbaby14 18

well the simple solution is to tell people that you don't... duh and plus who would belive anything some kid says a lot of them have no idea what they're talking about

just say ur sisters lying, everyone believes the elder child hurr durr.

at the risk of sounding stupid.. what is that?

ooh! say your like Ryan white and got it from blood!

mix them together and you have a phd.

zach277 3

I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one

If like me, you feel inadequate in life, you think you're ugly, you smell of beetroot and paisley, and life has generally let you down, leave an empty comment.

khaos888 0

that sucks dick bro I'd hit her

Bubbelz 25
treesdevin 0

ahahah at least they'll think your not a virgin lol

ahw tsk tsk. looks like you won't get getting laid anytime soon.

haha. that sucks! something like that happened to me. I was in the 6th grade an missed school cuz I had hives. H-I-V-E-S turned into HIV! :P dumb kids!

Woodsy007 0

isn't it weird how kids change stories. I went sledding and hit a rock with my chin, I fractured my jaw. I came back to school a week later to have 3 kids ask me how it felt to get hit by a truck.

ahah don't worry you'll be able to clear that up in no time

Take advantage of the opportunity if it gets out of control. If a person you don't like, per se, an enemy, mocks you about it, rat it out to a counselor. Then clear it up with the counselor, and you'll hit two birds with one stone!