By sissydlk - 02/12/2010 15:54 - United States

Today, my wonderful boyfriend asked me if I wanted him to cook me scrambled eggs with sausage for breakfast. When I said yes, he pulled out his junk, and started shaking it violently in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 267
You deserved it 10 371

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

I hope you scrambled his eggs with a sharp scrotal slap.

gusgus36 5

haha whatever, he's just kidding around... you can't use the word "sausage" with a guy and expect them to not say something like that lol


all that remains,kill switch engage,cannibal corpse,napalm death,under oath,rammstein???????shoot me some more

Melli17 3

there's your sausage but were are you eggs?

I wish my boyfran did that! hilarious!!!

The Word Alive, We Came As Romans, My Chemical Romance, Abandon All Ships, Of Mice and Men, Escape The Fate, etc. the list goes on with me lol

blacklily0103 0

hahaha that is hilarious!! I couldn't stop laughing. you've got a keeper there.

JustTray11 0

LMFAO!!! That sounds like something my husband would do. I was in tears reading it to him.

bbygiirl 0