By Username - 16/07/2010 04:17 - France

Today, my wife, daughter, and I get to spend the next 4 hours in the ER. Why? Because we're all throwing up at the same time. At least it counts as a family activity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 957
You deserved it 3 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

this FML reminds me of a family guy episode :)

Not sure that required a trip to the ER. it was more than likely food poisoning and it will pass. obviously OP felt well enough to post on FML.


Nothing brings a family closer than syncronized

puking. I have an image of the family all huddled around the toilet.

skyeyez9 24

You went to the er cause of vomiting? Vomiting blood? Was it so oncontrollable that you were getting dehydrated? If not, you are overreacting and wasting the er physician and nurses' time. Puking is rarely an emergency.

Why would you go to the ER because you vomited? Why would you go to any doctor just because you vomited? It better be blood coming up. It amazes me what people go to the doctor for... It's like no one can use common sense anymore.

Who goes to the hospital for throwing up?

GiRIsMakingCupca 0

try learning how to use "myself" properly, thanks

I can't believe you went to the hospital for vomiting.

you went to the ER because you were throwing up? jeez, hypochondriac much ...

cookiiies_fml 0

umm, why are you writing an fml in the ER?! DIDN'T ANYONEE NOTICE THAT?!