By wow - 08/11/2010 18:23 - United States

Today, my virgin girlfriend who wanted to lose her virginity to me got on Google, and quizzed me on how to properly put on a condom. She doesn't trust me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 147
You deserved it 8 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Froley 0

Just because she wants to make sure she's safe and you know what you're doing, you think she doesn't trust you? Be happy that she trusts you enough to take her virginity. YDI.


it's probably not that she doesn't trust you, she's just careful .

can't she just do it herself if she doesn't trust you? But good for her for being careful

Haha! Owned by a virgin. hillarious! but YDI you better know what you're doing or else you will have bigger problems.

trueblue170 13

"Owned by a virgin" And the fact that she's a virgin matters because...?

ami1043 0

Ha. I did this to my boyfriend too.

Get over yourself, she was just being responsible.

flyingshrimp 2

That's okay. Better that you know how to do it properly and nothing happens right? Even if you're not a virgin and she is, she wants to be sure for herself. My boyfriend of over 2 years still makes me put the condom on him because I'm the one who did the research and he doesn't want to mess it up.

Cant blame her for being careful its her first time and she doesnt want to get knocked up on the first time

crazy4uboi 6

If she is going to let you take her virginity then she deffinetley(God I hate that word!) trusts you, she's probably just nervous because it is her first time.

if you hate that word, learn how to spell it right.

YDI for not making your trust to her apparent enough.