
By Anonymous - 05/12/2021 23:01

Today, I realized that because of my past abusive relationship, I will never love anyone fully. In the back of my mind, I will always have a doubt, thinking that they don't want me or that I'm just a goal to achieve until they're ready to leave. It's to the point where I don't see a reason to try; everyone will leave and I'm OK with that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 069
You deserved it 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manb91gb 15

Not sure this counts as an FML, but I would highly recommend speaking with a therapist to deal with your issues. There's always light at the end of the tunnel, you just need to fight you way through the darkness.

Since this is on FML, this a complaint. Highly recommend talk therapy. If it's really bad, maybe prescribed medication can help like antidepressants. Physical exercise, healthy diet and good quality sleep also helps with mental health. Don't wait, OP. Act on your problems soon so they can get better.


manb91gb 15

Not sure this counts as an FML, but I would highly recommend speaking with a therapist to deal with your issues. There's always light at the end of the tunnel, you just need to fight you way through the darkness.

Since this is on FML, this a complaint. Highly recommend talk therapy. If it's really bad, maybe prescribed medication can help like antidepressants. Physical exercise, healthy diet and good quality sleep also helps with mental health. Don't wait, OP. Act on your problems soon so they can get better.

Of course, you'll be free to dump people when they no longer benefit you. We've become very transactional.

Billiebobbob 1

you’re amazing and he’s not.

Royal Sataness 4

same honey, same. I started solo poly dating, I'm not even trying to build with anyone anymore

The abuse is not your fault no one deserves that. It is however your responsibility to work on yourself & seek therapy if you want to recover because no one else can fix your self esteem problems except you

Becca198915 2

Not everyone is the same just work on your self and heal your self and the right one will come! But you have to put in the work the damage that previous relationship caused will not heal with time! It will only burn into you! Trust me I’ve been there and healing the right way and learning to love yourself again sets boundaries!

Becca198915 2

Not everyone is the same just work on your self and heal your self and the right one will come! But you have to put in the work the damage that previous relationship caused will not heal with time! You need to get help and focus on you!

Trill_Kurt 1