By nolife - 05/11/2010 23:14 - United States

Today, my stalker - an annoying guy who's dedicated the past three years of his life to stalking me at every turn - somehow got a hold of my number and started texting me at 10pm about how I have no life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 390
You deserved it 2 972

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sassysoprano 0

Go change your number. If you tell them you're being harassed and stalked, they shouldn't charge you for it.

To be quite honest, I think he's not really one to talk-- after all, he's the one dedicating his time to stalking you. That's pretty sad. I wouldn't worry about it, OP! Don't listen to your personal psycho. After all, he seems to have some issues.


go meet him at a café say he touch your boob and kick him in the nutz

It was my way of asking you out on a date. Go out with me? :3

redmnky21 8

durring these 3 years it never occured to u to change ur number?

AllyyK 9

Umm it sounds like she did change her number before and maybe even multiple times when she said he 'somehow got a hold of her number'. I highly doubt she has had the same number for three years when this guy has been stalking her for that long.. Unless she's an idiot, but then if she never changed her number than she obviously doesn't really care that he's stalking her. Maybe she wants to be stalked?! Maybe she likes the attention? There could be so much more to this FML that she never added and that we don't know about, and we will probably never know. If he's been stalking her for three years and had her number before than I'm sure she's changed it before. But hey that's just what I got out of it, I could be wrong and she could just be a huge dumbass? Hmm..

AllyyK 9

That's sad when even your stalker thinks you have no life lol

This is what stalkers do. Deflect and reflect the craziness. Do anything they can to get a rise/attention from you. Unfortunately sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands sometimes. Cut all contact. Give your friends/family a description of him. And don't go anywhere he knows you frequent alone.

Call your cell provider and either have his number blocked or yours changed. ASAP!

Hmmm... He's telling you that..... I think it should be the other way round!

tell him to go stalk someone more interesting then..

That's rough OP, hopefully he won't get a hold of your me number.