By Anonymous - 26/03/2016 15:36 - United States - Mckinney

Today, my 5-year-old daughter said "Mommy, why doesn't anyone wanna marry you?" I've been asking myself the same question for all too many years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 944
You deserved it 1 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's better to not be married than to be married to someone who isn't good to you. Just focus on being the best mom to your daughter.

lilchica22001 22

I love how kids have zero filter and just say whatever is on their minds. And you don't need to be married...just focus on being the best mom you can be to your daughter :)


It's better to not be married than to be married to someone who isn't good to you. Just focus on being the best mom to your daughter.

Exactly. To many people these days are more worried about being in a relationship period than being in a relationship based on love and trust. Even if you're not married now at least you have your little girl. That should be more than enough. :)

I'd say OP has a parasitic personality and no man in their right mind would want to be with her.

Being single is a good thing in some situations.

lilchica22001 22

I love how kids have zero filter and just say whatever is on their minds. And you don't need to be married...just focus on being the best mom you can be to your daughter :)

CheekyRaccoon 27

The reason is because you're a strong independent woman, that doesn't need no man.

it's just a meme, #36. not everything is super serious.

#36 There's always someone like you who brings up this 'how dare you assume OP is straight/male/human' bullshit. You do realise not everything is sexist, racist or homophobic? Sometimes it's just a funny comment, and your type of tumblr-esque permanently offended comments irritate me.

Just shut up please and do us all a favor

Mathalamus 24

It's probably best to stay single if you don't know why no one wants you. That is what I'm doing, except I can guess why I'm forever alone. Besides, single life is better. And yes, I expect to be downvoted.

I upvoted you just to prove you wrong!

Mathalamus 24

thank you for proving that there are nice people around. :)

Being single and being in a relationship each has its ups and downs, but lately I've found that being single is more simple, despite being lonely.

Focus on being a mom and the right man will come along the way.

Number 1: Make your life. Number 2: When you are ready, you will either find someone, or someone will be matchmaker. If not, go on --you don't need to wait for fate -- you need to make your own fate in this life.

You refer to yourself as "Mommy"? Because that would clear things up if you did.

No. Her daughter refers to her as Mommy.

I know, I was making a dad joke. At the very end of the FML, she says she asks herself the same thing, and I was implying that she literally asks herself the same question (beginning with "Mommy").

Animeisthebest1 14

At least there is less drama. Still, I wish you the best!

I just wonder if you realized what is the common denominator.