By nosonofmine - 23/06/2012 17:43 - Iceland - Reykjav

Today, my son and I attended the funeral of a family friend. It went as well as any funeral could, up until the point that my apparently drunk son tried to grope the widow. I came an inch away from causing my son to need his own funeral. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 543
You deserved it 2 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who attends a funeral drunk?! I feel so bad for the widow. F her life.

xoxokelsey11 5

I'm imagining a 20 year old groping a 90 year old...


Who attends a funeral drunk?! I feel so bad for the widow. F her life.

mylifesucks_fml 1

Maybe he was trying to help her cope with her loss and move on in life...? nah, I got nothing.

Believe it or not, I've been to several funerals and there's always a group of people that drink in the parking lot and "Toast" to the life the deceased. So, I'm not surprised that a few people got drunk there. It is in bad taste to go overboard though. :P

egc573 40

A lot of people have someone like that in their family. But yes, that poor widow. All she wanted was to give her husband a nice send-off. And I'll bet the son wasn't even really invited.

If I was the dead I would have thrown him him the grave then leave him there to sober up. I also just might "forget" he is there...

Or maybe it was after the funeral at the wake?

Why would he even bring him if he was drunk? I don't get it.

gracevet88 0

It says a family friend Not his wife

jake040 3

My step-mother attended my Sister's funeral while totally wasted...

I don't know how she will ever come to *grips* with this

I take it that nobody here has ever been to an Irish wake.

Maybe he was really close to the deceased and was drowning his sorrows.

2, Every funeral I've been to, there has been drinking involved. It usually starts with a family member, of the deceased, with, "He/She would have wanted us to have a good time and celebrate his/her life." It's wise for the attendees to keep track of how much booze is consumed but that rarely happens.

kickkinit 2

I would have pushed my kid in the grave.

flashback.miss 28

I concur, that's beyond despicably disrespectful. ><

That could makes things a lot worst...

Because they're already bad enough with your grammar...

xoxokelsey11 5

I'm imagining a 20 year old groping a 90 year old...

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There isn't a certain age you have to be to be widowed. Not everyone dies of old age.

You dont have to be old to be a widow, you just have to be married. The widow could be any age.

Today, I was mourning for the love of my life, my poor husband, at his funeral. Some guy decided to make my mourning time his groping time. On me. FML

Widows can be any age. I'm in my mid-40s and my contemporaries are starting to die of things like early heart attacks and cancer. :-( Never mind the number of people who die young from things like traffic wrecks, accidents, drug overdoses, suicide, and the like.

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dsbs 9

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nirvi 3

60- and you have time and energy to write the comment instead of pressing ONE button because?

70- That commenter was obviously too lazy to even type out full words.

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darthzerg 7

If OP's son is an adult, which I'm assuming is the case, then it is not OP's fault. OP's son is a dumbass and his responsible for his own actions.

You cant control what a adult does, or even a lot of kids cant be controlled by their parents, because they do what they want to. Even if that means being drunk and stupid at a funeral.

robinhood007 9

I don't know, maybe it's just me but I think if he was insinuating that OP needs to control her son he would have said YDI not FYL. I took it has him being serious, not an ass. I could be wrong though.

Actually, I was being serious. Sarcastic at first, but I meant FYL when I said it because I really don't see how one could say that sarcastically. Maybe you only read sarcasm and the words "complete idiot"? I don't know. Sorry if you were offended or something, because I didn't mean it that way… guess it didn't seem like it due to the tone of my previous comment, though. Although if the son wasn't an adult, YDI, but I suppose that goes without saying.

Exactly!! I know a good man with a loser adult out of control son that so could have been in the same situation. You hit the nail on the head with your comment

KeannaLove 32

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KeannaLove 32

Haha this comment does deserve to be buried. Next time I wont comment while drunk.

smydiwannafthata 5

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He's moved from crashin weddings to crashing funerals. He's moving up in the world

"I'm so sorry for your loss. So...what are you doing after the show?"

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So what one comment is gonna send him spiraling into a depression that will cause him to never comment on fml ever again? I don't think so

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olpally 32

What's with the wink face after the terrible comment?? As for op, his punishment is coming in the middle of the night when he's puking his brains out or, smack him upside the head, your choice...

Y'all need to mellow out. Arguing over the internet? Really? C'mon now. Do something productive with your life.

^Umm, yeah. What are you doing with your life?