By izzy - 15/05/2017 04:00

Today, my sister told me she is getting married and asked me to be the Co-Maid of Honor. Who is the first maid of honor? Her cat. She is serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 290
You deserved it 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Druu 53

"Izzy, hear meowt. I know you're feline left out, but Captain Fluffy is very dear to me."

CrazyTrainWreck 19

Is the co-best man a dog? Inquiring minds want to know.


Druu 53

"Izzy, hear meowt. I know you're feline left out, but Captain Fluffy is very dear to me."

Is the cat going to wear a little dress and have a bouquet of catnip?

is the cat going to organize your hens night?

CrazyTrainWreck 19

Is the co-best man a dog? Inquiring minds want to know.

With every cat, one grows more stronger.

well that's going to be a CATtastrophe

I'll bet the bachelorette party is going to get pretty *wait on in* catty.

Not gonna lie, if I get married, I kinda want my cats to be my ring bearer and flower girl. I'll have kids to, but the kids will carry the cats. I have a tuxedo cat, so of course I want him in my wedding wearing a cute little bow tie.

Her marriage, her rules, get over it.

Accept and don't organize a bachelorette party. As soon as she asks why none has been thrown all you have to do is shrug your shoulders and say "I don't know, that's the first maid of honor's responsibility. You'll have to talk to her."

I love this level of passive-aggressive assholery!

So because she's not the sole maid of honor, she should throw a passive aggressive tantrum? It's not a big deal. Her sister wanted her cat in her wedding. It sounds like the cat is a better choice anyway. What if her sister doesn't want a bachelorette party? What then?