By Anonymous - 21/02/2012 19:24 - Germany

Today, my sculpture, which is very important for my art grade, fell from my desk and broke to pieces. My art teacher suggested I soak the parts in water to make it easier to stick them back together. They dissolved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 523
You deserved it 3 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you have time to remake it? If not your art teacher should understand. She was the one who suggested you soak them in water.

I just had two projects I need to pass my ceramics class explode because someone else's project blew up in the kiln


MagicGiraffe 12

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If someone offers you bad advice OP, just don't take it....

Just_STFU_Please 13

Wow. That's your art teacher? How did she/he get her degree.?? I'm sorry OP. That really does blow. Hopefully you get a chance to make it up.

blackheart24 10

If you're going to have the first comment, you at least have to make it good. No shit it sucks. Douche bag. This art teacher obviously didnt know wtf they were talking about.

blackheart24 10

If you're going to have the first comment, you at least have to make it good. No shit it sucks. Douche bag.

give a speech about trial and loss and say "if this isn't art, I don't know what is." then walk out of room covering face

MagicGiraffe 12

19, I've never had the first comment before. So I am a douche bag, even though I haven't done anything wrong to you at all.

thejewishfuhrer 17

I hate first comments like yours

blackheart24 10

45- Just let the big kids handle it.

I love art, and I think a good artist can save any kind of drawing. Even if its fallen apart you can be creative and make something out of it.

Back in the day, almost all of the first comments were good, I think all that sody pop is getting to you youngsters.

Meraklez1013 9

Why r y'all Jumping on #1 case it's his first time as the first comment! If u think u could've done better den you should have commented faster!!

No. No, no, no. There should be a rule that nobody comments until a witty first comment has been posted.

blackheart24 10

Thank you doctor. I agree 100%. It's... It's just better that way.

96- I completely agree with you. Its just a comment. I don't understand why people take it so serious. Geez -.-

I'm not totally sure but if the sculpture is made out of the right material it can be remolded if you get it a bit wet

Ahahaha #1's comment changed from 'that sucks' to 'dang me sucky sucky' mods are halarious.

Do you have time to remake it? If not your art teacher should understand. She was the one who suggested you soak them in water.

deafeningsilence 8

^ This. If your teacher doesn't give you extra time, then it isn't fair because it was her mistake.

Or u could just say "hey you're an idiot. Maybe acid will fix ur brain..." and instead ur teacher will dissolve

This was OP's fault. I'm assuming this sculpture is made of a clay considering the advice from the teacher. OP obviously let it soak for far too long because clay doesn't just dissolve once it touches water. Then again, I suppose it could also just not be clay. It was just the scenario that I thought of.

thiscrazything 1

Well either way, that does suck. Maybe you can create a new one that is even better than the first.

EmilyShmemily496 0

You should have rubbed the edges with a vinegar slip. It is really good for piecing sculptures back together. That's what I use when my sculptures break.

What the teacher probably meant was for OP to get it wet not drown it in water. Most anything I can think of right now that could be stuck back together by dunking In water wouldn't dissolve immediately it would have to be left in running water for a while. Maybe my memory is just bad. Either way it's OP's fault for not know the properties of the material being worked with, it's not the art teachers fault for assuming trying to give helpfull advice.

I like your reply so I'm replying to your reply. Your welcome!

cruxx 0
X_Codes 11

Nevermind that in art, knowing how to work with the medium is just as important as knowing what to do with it.

I just had two projects I need to pass my ceramics class explode because someone else's project blew up in the kiln

Look s like I'm not the only one taking ceramics right now. Someone peaces exploded too. I was lucky though, mine wasn't in there at the time.

pfx2_fml 15

Sounds to me that the teacher was just trolling their student..

brun12 1

What was it made out of? Seems like you'd know ahead of time what dissolves in water and what doesn't

"It was an ice sculpture. I was lead to believe water would make ice stick back together." -O.P

Since it was her suggestion, she may let you remake it or do something else.

Ummmm... How long did you leave them In water exactly...?? You Germans and you're beer... Jay Kay jay Kay, I zeh Germans!

**i love zeh Germans Shoot. I didn't even know about this new *edit* stuff! Shows my fml age... :' (

do you have rabies? or did you just have some hot chocolate?

or you just had a really foamy beer. i'm guessing they would dissolve pretty quickly

Watch out, we got ourselves a badass over here

No he just sucked a dick. Just playing. Don't get mad.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

64 - And a really old one at that, considering that's all dust on his lips.

Oh yes, a REAL badass, you've exposed my life long goal. And I guess none of you have watched the chapelle show? So I'll just stop. Suckin' old man dicks for life it is!

xxkimmyt 9

Wouldnt the teacher know it would dissolve?

Maybe the teacher is an evil sociopath. You never know nowadays.

maronofhearts 19

It only dissolves if you soak it for too long it's the OPs fault not the teachers

This was the teachers way of saying "I really dislike that sculpture. Make a new one."

Your art teacher obviously didn't learn very well...