By Anonymous - 26/03/2015 13:20 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my school had to make an official announcement that students were not permitted to go home due to Zayn Malik leaving One Direction because so many girls were claiming they couldn't focus on school with such a dramatic event occurring. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 485
You deserved it 3 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

no wonder the whole world thinks America is full of idiots.

They were headed in One Direction... To failure.


I don't know why everyone is sad about zayn when there was a freakin plane that crashed. All they care about is they're stupid ban

Fetuskicker666 15

That is simultaneously the funniest and the most pathetic thing I've read in a long time.

Wow, that's sickeningly pathetic. What are those immature girls going to do when real life bites them in the ass and they have REAL problems? Kudos to the school for not letting them go home for such an asinine reason. One Direction is only going one direction, and that's the hell out of my face!

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

OH MY ******* GOD. I would bitch slap so MANY chicks my hand would be bruised.

Yet us punk band fans have lost singers etc. due to drunk driving. Drugs or left in general. Although we still love them, were not leaving school or dying because of it. Even the My Chemical Romance joke was cruel and we lived

A lot of classic rock fans are looking around going "Really, mate? We're still here being fans and celebrating the music after members die. Come see us when you've watched that." The Queen fans must be beyond words.

BlackFire4890 16

that moment when you realize you don't understand wth this post is talking about and proud to say so...

When you realize over one hundred girls have killed themselves over this...

Please show me a single reliable source that doesn't report this as anything other that rumor.

I like how most of the comments that agree that zayn leaving1d isnt a big deal are all blocked for too many negative votes.. and honestly i dont give a crud about zayn. i couldnt possibly care less. others will disagree but thats my opinion.