By popasquat - 04/12/2018 12:00

Today my roommate was taking forever in the shower. I had to pee like crazy. I danced around waiting and waiting. I couldn’t hold it anymore so I snuck out to the backyard to pop a squat. The relief hit me at the same time the realization that our landlord has security camera in the back yard...FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 300
You deserved it 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

julfunky 29

You should be fine. Unless that also happens to be the night your place gets robbed, he’ll have no need to check the security footage. Just cross your fingers and hope it eventually gets lost.


julfunky 29

You should be fine. Unless that also happens to be the night your place gets robbed, he’ll have no need to check the security footage. Just cross your fingers and hope it eventually gets lost.

katydid91 31

OP is female. Peeing in a bottle successfully is very difficult for females.

I think it would be less em-bare-ass-ing to just go in the bathroom while roommates in the shower. There must be some kind of curtain or door.

you could've said ****'em and barge into the room and used a toilet if they woulda bitched then respond with "next time don't take so fucling long" and if they continue to bitch just flush

Stan_The_Man 7
randybryant799 20

Aren't you a guy? Peeing outside shouldn't be a big deal.