By Anonymous - 07/10/2010 16:39 - United States

Today, my roommate and I invited a few girls over to our dorm for a small party. We started to play a drinking game, and I attempted to chug three beers in two minutes. My stomach wouldn't have that, and I spewed up bright red chunks everywhere and on everyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 071
You deserved it 44 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

itsmeppl 0

uhhhh, ur profile pic was taken in front of a toilet!....


Ew so gross, I feel Like throwing up after this FML :ppppPpPPpP

Gees. know ur limit stupid. you think those girls are thinkin "man this guy can really chug some beer, lets have sex"

FMLL2016 16

YDI you gotta know your limits!

You do realize alcohol is a type of poison right? Too much of it and we go to the hospital. How about you not be an idiot, and drink it responsibly?