By Anonymous - 10/02/2011 18:38 - Ireland

Today, my professor's son died in a car accident and class has been cancelled until further notice. All my friends were delighted and cheered about it in front of me. I was dating my professor's son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 143 892
You deserved it 6 442

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is awful! Even if you hadn't dated him.

Oh, ****. Sorry about your and your professor's loss. :/ Your friends are also cuntrags. WOOOOOO! SOMEONE DIED IN A WRECK. WOOOOO! NO CLASS!!


#123, her boyfriend just died. I think she has every right to be a bit selfish right now. Apparently you've never lost someone close. Nice to know there's still heartless assholes in this world, keeping everything in balance. :)

I fell so bad for you I will keep you and his son in my preyers

emodude44 0

I'm really sorry for your loss. Who's twisted enough to cheer when someone dies? Thats sick and coming from me, that has an extra meaning because I'm a messed up person and even I think its terrible someone is cheering over someone else's death. That is terrible. I am really sorry again.

wendyyyy 0

So Sorry for your loss. That's absolutely brutal. Especially being surrounded by retards you call classmates. No sensitivity. I must add though... why did you post that as a FML? Especially if this is recent events? My first thought with someone dying wouldn't be to post it on the Internet... My condolences though.

OP, I am so sorry for your loss. Death is a really difficult obstacle to face, but I know you can make it through. Even though I don't know you, I'll definitely be thinking of you.

MrNoon 0

o my God that's horrible, I'm very sorry, your in my prayers

iloveyou7877 0

This is by far the most ****** up FML, It goes straight to the top. Hug for the loss