By human torch - 18/03/2010 15:22 - United States

Today, my physics teacher accidentally lit me on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 441
You deserved it 49

Top comments


ohh yeah... Jesus, OP...Don't you know the saying "If you give a man fire, he'll have it warm for one day. If you set him on fire, he'll have it warm for the rest of his life!"? You really didn't deserve somebody being that nice to you if you're such an ungrateful b****...

wow did u have to b such a jerk?? u could have said it a little nicer lol well... maybe not

It's actually rather common. I was once at a restaunt and this one guy asked the chef how he made his French Fries. The chef then started to recite quotes from Scarface and started pissing napalm on him. Then he clapped his hand and an HIV positive penguin jumped on him and they both burst into flames, ruining the carpet. The court issued it as a "reasonable mistake."

haamoney 0

it's perfectly fine to laugh. just one more flamer in the world