By wetsheets - 07/01/2013 13:01 - United Kingdom - Cardiff

Today, my partner was inspired by 50 Shades Of Grey to try making me orgasm with a full bladder, therefore intensifying the experience. He was right, it was mind blowing. It also made me piss the bed for the first time in twenty-odd years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 020
You deserved it 7 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Tell everyone you're a "squirter," because that's a lot sexier than "bed-wetter."


phillipMFdgaf 2

Brings a whole new meaning to a slippery situation

HotProblems1998 4

Didn't you know you were gunna piss the bed? Wasn't that part of your little experiment?

I read that book for kicks and giggles. I couldn't finish it it was horrid lol

Your husband read 50 Shades of Gray . . . ???

Having sex with a full bladder seems uncomfortable.

It's definitely a lot more intense with a full bladder!!! Maybe not to full next time though ;)