By wetsheets - 07/01/2013 13:01 - United Kingdom - Cardiff

Today, my partner was inspired by 50 Shades Of Grey to try making me orgasm with a full bladder, therefore intensifying the experience. He was right, it was mind blowing. It also made me piss the bed for the first time in twenty-odd years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 020
You deserved it 7 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Tell everyone you're a "squirter," because that's a lot sexier than "bed-wetter."


xeka 10

At least he's mature enough to READ pron, not WATCH it. XD

This is why you shouldn't believe everything you read! The Illuminati is coming for you!

lol I remember that part in the book (technically that's the third one, and yes, I own and have read all three :p) and thought, "What?" Personally I find having sex with a full bladder uncomfortable, and for that very reason - I'm all for an ****** but not peeing the bed. But congrats on having a successful 50 Shades experience and a mind-blowing ******. ;)

MNBOY16 15

Just can't please every woman!

amberstarr89 5

It's called squirting... Look it up

amberstarr89 5

It's called squirting... Look it up.... And it only happens with real intense orgasms regardless of whether or not the bladder is full.... U should be so lucky to experience this... It's toe curling, back scratching, screaming fun

Squrting and urinating are two very different things.

Notice it said partner.... Could be two guys

Notice that it says explicty on the fml that the OP is a woman.