By Vahootie - 03/03/2009 01:57 - United States

Today, my parents refused to visit me at college because "the flights are too expensive." They are currently shopping for a new car to replace my mother's two-year-old Porsche. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 899
You deserved it 4 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whats wrong with parents these days? >_>

#7 - the time and money they could've used to visit their child at college was put to replacing a car that's barely old. i don't think it's right, i think it's selfishness on the parents' side.


Whats wrong with parents these days? >_>

00yoda4 0

I don't know it's messed up though

At least (most) parents (over 16) don't say stuff like YOLO or do duck faces.

It is the best time to buy a car, they're much cheaper at the minute, what with the recession and all.

I agree with 3, but i think she could keep her "old" car and go see their child at college (or don't do any of those and give me the money)

geekemo92 0

How do you know that Op isn't being selfish and omitting the fact that her parents car is broken?

She can afford a Porsche, so it's pretty safe to assume she can afford two flight tickets, and the mechanic bill if it IS broken.

blueEyes_19 0

why would you want your parents to come visit anyways? jk. kinda

You are an adult now. Your parents spent a large part of their life raising and preparing you for life. Don't feel bad if they don't have as much time for you as they did before.

#7 - the time and money they could've used to visit their child at college was put to replacing a car that's barely old. i don't think it's right, i think it's selfishness on the parents' side.

Parellex 0


Jason_fml 0

Don't be such a little baby. You aren't a little kid anymore, you don't need your parents there to hold your hand. Instead of complaining that your parents are spending their money on themselves, maybe you should be thanking them for all the money and the time they spent on you raising you and getting you to where you could go to college in the first place?

OP just wants to see his parents and btw it has been proven that students that see their parents and keep open lines of communication with their parents adjust better to college than those that don't .

I agree with number nine but getting a new car every 2 years especially a Porsche is a waste .

holynemesis1208 3