By Anonymous - 29/06/2009 19:52 - United States

Today, my parents booked my 18th birthday party at Chuck E Cheese's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 426
You deserved it 47

Top comments

Not gonna lie that actually sounds like it would be pretty fun.



you deffinitly deserved that if you cant even plan your own bday party =/

D0GS_B1T3 0

That's sad if you have to plan your BDAY party...Your friends and parents should really take care of that! Unless you have no friends...or...parents. You shouldn't have to plan your birthdays, weddings, or any other occasion that is about you.

ultravioletbaby 0

Umm, wow 124, I wish I had your life then...

Lol i love how everyone is saying how awesome chuck e cheese is


Chuck e Cheese is AWESOME!! I'm 21 with no kids. And i go there atleast once a month!

edub08 0

I realize that you probably meant that well, however that sounds a little pedophile-ish dont you think haha

I would just go to my parents and be like "what the **** are you thinking?", then I would show them that my fml got accepted and 10k+ people agree that my life is ******

You should all gang up on the mouse thing when it comes by

if you're old enough to hate on chuck e. cheese, maybe you shouldn't be having your parents book your birthday party for you.....

heyitsjacqueline 6
blehx 0

be grateful. my family never celebrated my birthday. chuck e. cheese is an awesome place to have a party. cool is overrated.

what are you talking about? chuckee cheese is effing awesome. I would love to go there. plus their pizza is the shit.