By Anonymous - 29/06/2009 19:52 - United States

Today, my parents booked my 18th birthday party at Chuck E Cheese's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 426
You deserved it 47

Top comments

Not gonna lie that actually sounds like it would be pretty fun.



butterfly141989 0

I'm so jealous I spent my 18th bday in the hospital you're a lucky duck

i would love to go to chuckie cheeses for my bday lol

janaaa 0
namelessfew 0

That's what I asked my parents for, for my 18th. They said no.

heatherrrx 0

Chuck E. Cheese's is an amazing place. I'd be happy. And I'm 17 too. :P

Pizza, games, convicted sex offenders in animal costumes, and friends. I don't see a problem with your party.

that sucks but at least your parents went through the trouble of booking you a party it must have been an awkward conversation when they told chuck e' cheeses they wanted to book a party for an 18 year old

1nicent1 0

YDI for thinking that is a bad present!!! Chuck e cheese is the best!!!

lmfao!!!!!! your parents hate you!! hahahahaha!! but the good news is there's no need to complain, chuck e cheese's kicks ass and has little caesar's pizza!!!

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

My sister had her third birthday party there. :D it was fun until the happy birthday song. they sing "When I say happy you say birthday! HAPPY..." and the little kids forgot to say birthday. and I swear chuck e grabbed my ass x_x