By Anonymous - 29/06/2009 19:52 - United States

Today, my parents booked my 18th birthday party at Chuck E Cheese's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 426
You deserved it 47

Top comments

Not gonna lie that actually sounds like it would be pretty fun.



nutingggg wrong wit chuckk e cheeseeeeeeeeee! but yah if ur 18 and mommiee did this for u lOL thats funnyyyyyyyyyyyy =] happpy birthday tho

dude im 17 and i just went w/ a bunch of friends the other day for fun/childhood memories its awesomeeee lol

I dont know the downside in that. I wana rent it out for the night and get a d.j. and dance floor with dancing cages for my sweet 16!

ultravioletbaby 0

Ohhh noes! You have parents that love and care about you! Even if they didn't do it the absolute perfect way, at least they showed they cared about your birthday. You're better off than a lot of people. I'm sick of people like you. Appreciate your parents while they're still around.

thats awesome! I wish I went there for mine before I went out

I think thats awesome! i am having my 20th birthday party there . . .

waaah, my parents love me enough to try and plan me a party, waaaaah quit your bitching and be thankful

I'd like to have my 50th birthday party there! Of course, I play ski-ball for sex and the ladies don't know that back in the day, I played on the professional ski-ball circuit! ;)