By Anonymous - 29/06/2009 19:52 - United States

Today, my parents booked my 18th birthday party at Chuck E Cheese's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 426
You deserved it 47

Top comments

Not gonna lie that actually sounds like it would be pretty fun.



Nothin wrong with CEC. But then again I'm biased; my dad basicly owns the whole company. X3 so I'd love to have my next bday there! Haha! Have a good one!

heyitsjacqueline 6

hahaha well have fun! their pizza really is good, and if your friends are there then your bound to have a good time. :)

I don't think you can book things unless there is someone under like 13

I hope you tell them what you think about that

I'm 19 and I would LOVE to go to Chuck E. Cheese. Haven't been there in years. This one time when I was there, someone in a Chuck suit tried to hit on my mom. LULZ.

@103: thank you. @33: you're obviously not mature if you can't even spell the world pact right, so why would the OP even take what you said into consideration? lame.

at least in canada if your birthdays there you can still get drunk. haha

ugh, I started hatin that boring place when I was 8.