Feeling ignored

By Anonymous - 27/02/2022 00:01

Today, I actually had to spell out to my parents that if you don't want someone to repeat the same thing several times, you have to acknowledge that you're listening to them. I've had several occasions where I said something to them 3-5 times, thinking they weren't listening, but then they snapped, "WE HEARD YOU!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 007
You deserved it 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If they’re just not responding, you could try asking if they are listening before you repeat yourself that many times

Tbh, it sounds like they don't give a damn what you got to say and would prefer if you said nothing to them. It's wrong of them to disregard you like that.


If they’re just not responding, you could try asking if they are listening before you repeat yourself that many times

Tbh, it sounds like they don't give a damn what you got to say and would prefer if you said nothing to them. It's wrong of them to disregard you like that.

Sounds like a shitty situation. Sounds like a shitty situation. Sounds like a shitty situation. Sounds like a shitty situation.* Sounds like a shitty situation.* * if necessary.