Polly Want a Wax

By Baldy - 07/09/2017 13:00

Today, I was using pre-waxed strips to wax my eyebrows when my parrot investigated by walking through them. He then screamed, flew into my hair, thrashed around, and got stuck. I now have two bald spots and two parrot bites. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 695
You deserved it 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lobby_Bee 17

Lesson learned, next time put your parrot in a different room or in a cage when waxing your eyebrows!! Hope the hair grows back soon.


Lobby_Bee 17

Lesson learned, next time put your parrot in a different room or in a cage when waxing your eyebrows!! Hope the hair grows back soon.

Don't ever do something like this with animals (or little children) around.

Now you can become a scary looking pirate! Either for Halloween or on the high seas, your choice.

Please take better care of your bird(s). Please put it/them in a safe place when you are doing something that is potentially dangerous or deadly for it/them. Please.

Why are you trying to wax with your parrot wandering around? Wax strips are sticky and messy and gets caught up in everything. Sorry for the bald patches though.

sgibson982136 10

they bring you not and take it away lol. I feel ya though. I used to help run a parrot rescue.

I'm sorry but this is hilarious ?? i have bunnies, you learn quick about what to do with animals around.