By Anonymous - 20/02/2016 12:16 - United States - Chicago

Today, my neighbor - whose first words to me when I moved onto the block were "I don't like your face" - called the cops and claimed I'd been exposing myself in public. His lowlife buddy backed him up on his lie. I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up in deep trouble thanks to them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 252
You deserved it 1 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry too much, OP. They'll need some kind of proof and when they don't have it the cops won't be too happy with them.

xKrisSmoove 21

Get yourself some alibis OP, you'll need them, then you can possibly counter sue the bastards


I live in Illinois. I've seen one traffic camera in my entire life. And it was in Missouri. I travel all over the central and southern part of the state; not many towns have traffic cameras.

Maybe 2 people said you did but everyone else on the block knows you didn't

press charges for slander against both of then

wow.. i would've been trying to move out already haha

I'm pretty sure that moving would be a bad idea if OP is officially under investigation. It not only would paint OP as if he were guilty of some crime, but could be illegal.

Get a lawyer. Ask for photographic proof.

I'm guessing that this guy is a pain in the ass for the the police he probably accuses other people in the neighborhood of other things this isnt an isolated behavior

do a bit of digging on these two, good chance they have done this sort of thing before, would show a pattern of behaviour.