By missy - 09/03/2009 22:54 - United States

Today, my mother told me she needed a urine sample to send in to the doctors to test for any allergies. I did what she had asked and went to my room. I came down stairs later and found her in the bathroom putting my pee on a pregnancy test stick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 418
You deserved it 8 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i totally thought it would have ended up as a drug test, not a pregnancy test.


you guys are a funnnnnay croud... all the people commenting.

Don't feed the troll, retards. And uh, way to fail there! Your mom needs help :D

#67, i wrote that comment after not sleeping for 36 hours.. so i made a mistake in the month/week part! so wat? i made a whole argument and all that u could rebuttal was the fact that i made a mistake in the reading?!?! wow! thats rich! and btw, i never said i was smart or smarter for that matter! i just wrote that i am a psychology major to prove that i was not just making that comment from no where! and learn to speak without insulting!

ummm i have bad allegies (i ended up on shots for 7 yrs), they test on your skin. not urine. unless there is some weird urine analysis i dont know about...but had my mom done that i woulda been really skeptical.

if your a psychology major, then you understand that arguing on the internet is now, and will always be.... Pointless.

Ellykhoshkele dumber than I thought you were for sure first off if you haven't slept in 36 hours that's a bad excuse cuz u wouldve been sleeping if it was affecting ur ability to read most likely. Second I attacked ur common sense hence the name and thirdly I never said you were smarter where the hell did you get that from I was proving you stupidity

Oh and 8 weeks pregnant and 8 months is a huge difference actually 6 months but you'll probably reply back to this and mess up the numbers

I just want to point out that #6's id is greenman --the Wiccan male deity figure. So... you know... I'm just going to go out on a limb and say he's joking. I don't think a "fundie" would use that id. ;)

What are you, 12? Who the hell really thinks they test allergies on piss? you got what you deserved, lady.