By poop - 28/02/2012 07:10 - United States

Today, my mother surprised me with a new alarm clock. It's attached to a toy car which races around my room with obnoxious sirens going at full blast until I crawl out of bed and turn it off. She says this will be a regular thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 865
You deserved it 12 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's good. i didn't wake up and failed class. good luck!


I've got one of those. It's got dead batteries, and is buried so deeply in my closet that is unlikely to ever be seen again.

Actually, mine's not exactly like that, but I've got something similar. Mine actually has wheels on the clock itself, and it doesn't just beep... it LAUGHS AT ME and does donuts and ground-based flips when it detects I'm out of range. Let's just say it's got dead batteries, and is buried so deeply in my closet that is unlikely to ever be seen again.

MechanicalKid1 5

That does hella suck. But honestly, I hella need one of those. Hahaha.

sw33tt 14

Are you kidding??? I want one!! Lol