By Birthday1313 - 15/07/2019 12:10

Today, my mother learned a new expression and uses it in every sentence. Her special, new expression is "boom diggity." It's apparently "hip." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 473
You deserved it 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trinity Fenwick 7

was she watching Bring it on or Clueless? kinda old and she got it wrong anyway lol.

Yeah, “hip” as in “hip replacement.” I’m old and that sounds like something my grandpa would’ve used. Try to steer her to the more modern “cat’s pajamas.”


Yeah, “hip” as in “hip replacement.” I’m old and that sounds like something my grandpa would’ve used. Try to steer her to the more modern “cat’s pajamas.”

Trinity Fenwick 7

was she watching Bring it on or Clueless? kinda old and she got it wrong anyway lol.