By andrie09 - 07/07/2009 22:18 - United States

Today, my mom told me I was a bad daughter because I didn't get anything for my parents' anniversary. I just sent my brother a check for $400 for my share of their gift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 321
You deserved it 3 073

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow ur brother should really include you in the card or something

Wtf. Your brother`s a douche for either keeping the money or not giving you credit as well. And your mom`s a bitch for saying that.


DieterDerBlau 0

Tell your bro to return the gift, and send you your money back. Go on a minivacation. But buy your mom a present that reminds her she's older now. Just to be evil.

This is probably the best suggestion here. Anyone who complains about not getting an anniversary gift, doesn't deserve one in the first place.

amazin67666 0

bahahahahahahahahahaha, follow #26's advice

I hope my parents don't expect a lot from me on their 25th this year. I'm going to university and I'm going to be dirt poor in a couple months

kiit23 0

No matter what the occasion, gifts are never REQUIRED. I hate people that try to make others feel bad for not getting something for them, especially when you're in the process of doing just that.

Ummmm... Why are you telling us? Why don't you tell her? And if she didn't believe you, so what? Your conscience is clear. That's what matters.

u should have got her a $10 trinket then she would be happy

To clarify: #24 was right. My brothers and I are waiting to surprise them, so I didn't want to tell her then. I didn't tell her because I didn't want to ruin the surprise :) The worst part is is can't tell her about being posted here till after she gets the gift! And I DO work for the money :).

skullbuster 0

Oh WAIT, you didn't give her the gift yet? RETURN IT! Take whatever it is back from where your brother got it and get your money back. Anniversaries should be a celebration between the couple anyway. Make sure you let your mom know that you posted here when the time comes and what an absolute **** everyone here thought she was!

What is this strange thing of children buying really expensive gifts for their parent's anniversary? I've never understood that.

eli_guerra 0

Payback is a bitch. Do the samething another anniversary. And remember, a wise man waits three for revenge!