By fuck you retail - 27/05/2013 20:18 - United States - San Francisco

Today, a girl at my tanning salon was ranting about how expensive it was and how she wished there was a cheaper way to get a tan. I joked, "Like from the sun?" She angrily called me a "sassy bitch", screamed to my boss about me, and then threatened to sue us when he kicked her out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 605
You deserved it 4 546

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Umm , if you dont have money to pay for a tan , Don't go and make a fool out of yourself. That's like going to victoria secret saying you can buy cheaper bras at Wal-Mart.

onorexveritas 23

it's okay OP, its her IQ on the line


That sucks for you! I hope you didn't get fired!

it doesn't really sucks for OP it sucks more for the girl that is so dumb and for the people who have to see her every day

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I don't think OP got fired, since the girl was kicked out for yelling about OP to the manager.

onorexveritas 23

it's okay OP, its her IQ on the line

Maybe the UV lights are frying her brain cells, along with her skin.

onorexveritas 23

no doubt. she needs to lay off the violet

DyslexicPanda 12

Well, you can, but that would require you to live a life of solitude... and I've heard bad things about solitude...

There's a ski resort here called Solitude, it's actually pretty nice. :-)

And it's hard to keep that ice fortress clean...

Umm , if you dont have money to pay for a tan , Don't go and make a fool out of yourself. That's like going to victoria secret saying you can buy cheaper bras at Wal-Mart.

My sisters can't get bras anywhere aside from Victoria's Secret because they're so big, but the prices ARE ridiculous.

Good one! Some people are just having a bad day and the smallest thing will set them off, and unfortunately you were what set her off. At least your boss stuck up for you and threw her out, she deserved it.

She wasn't having a bad day. She is an idiot and this is a normal day for her.

Sir_ND_Pity 35

Isn't she just a ray of sunshine?

From her mood it seems like she spent a bit too much time in the sun.

myoukei 31

Spending time in the sun produces vitamin D and endorphins. Those make you happy, not moody >_>

The dumb ones get frustrated about how stupid they are and try blaming it on other people.

edvin_fml 10

'least your boss has your back

It has been quite a while since I have seen a boss that sticks up for the employee. Glad to see that not all bosses act like an idiotic ass. The customer is not always right.