By Anonymous - 23/05/2012 21:14 - United States

Today, my husband called me in the middle of the morning. He was in jail and wanted me to bail him out. Not only was he stupid enough to go drunk drag-racing with his buddies, their route took them straight past the front of the local police precinct. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 487
You deserved it 3 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please don't have children with this idiot. Genes as stupid as those need to stop spreading..

Shouldnt bail him out. He needs to learn from his stupidity.


The_Troller 14

That's the whole point of the Internet.

"He's a keeper, that's for sure". Don't mind my quotation marks :)

I say let the guy stew in jail for a bit while you make arrangements for a tubal ligation. Then hope he learns his lesson so you don't see him in the Darwin Awards.

FireFlie07 20

Just remember. You did marry the dim dum

Get him out. No harm done. Maybe next time without the alcohol and not in front of the cop shop

noisebox 1

And you married and have sex with a retard like that?

it was your choice to marry him so if anything your just as dumb. YDI

This is why a group of males shouldn't be allowed to be left alone together.... Stupid shit happens.