By CollegeBoy - 13/04/2011 13:07 - Canada

Today, my high school guidance counselor tried to convince me NOT to go to college, mainly because it's been so long since someone from my high school went to college, that she got rid of all the college information she used to have. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 587
You deserved it 3 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't listen to her. Do what you want to do. Not what others tell you do.

baconboy_42 8

Seriously? Almost sounds like a rural Midwest school district. But you should still pursue college.


metfanatic1986 0

do you go to a black school?

sharkbait5593 0

I feel your pain! school couselors are like horrible at doing everything their job entails :(

lifeisbutadream3 0

Who cares? Get a life, seriously!

miko45 0

Go to college. She's not doing her job right.

xcalabrese3x 6

go to college . it's her fault that she got rid of the papers

West Virginia is a bit closed minded like that

twilgirl 1

that is sad go to college there is info on the internet!!

miche53083 0

Lol you must live in arkansas