By Anonymous - 16/12/2012 05:49 - United States

Today, my ex adopted a dog from the dog pound. It was the same dog he made me get rid of while we were still together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 620
You deserved it 8 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you really liked the dog, why didn't you adopt it after you broke up with him?

Wow...that's just messed up. I mean, you kinda deserve it for abandoning your pet - that's just cruel, you should've dumped the guy as soon as he seriously suggested it so it's kinda karma. The situation is still really messed up though so FYL..


daringtoride 27

I don't see how this is an FML? I suppose he was trying to do something nice and maybe realized you missed your dog? Meh.

Or after they broke up he adopted it so she couldn't get it?

daringtoride 27

Oh! I see. I wish the FML had more information :'D

He claimed to hate the dog so much that he actually made her choose between him and her dog and then when it didn't work out he went and adopted it himself, stopping her from getting the dog back herself and meaning either his original reservations were bs and he made her dump the dog for no good reason or he still hates the dog but he's doing it to be spiteful. He has not gone and got it back to try and make up with her.

Beaten, replies didn't show up on my phone. Still, I got all that from the FML....pretty sure there's enough information.

If you really liked the dog, why didn't you adopt it after you broke up with him?

DeadxManxWalking 27

I would have said no to giving it up if I really liked it.

HeyArnold91 8

I'm guessing he beat her to it #2.

spekledworf 18

Always chose pets over significant others. Dogs will love you unconditionally, no matter what you do

He MADE you get rid of the dog? I would have kept the dog and told him to either deal with it or move on. He can't tell you what to do OP because its your life and you have complete control over it. I'm sorry to hear this OP.

Yeah agreed, why would you let your dog go? You'd have felt really shitty if your dog ended up being put down all because of some jackass you ended up not staying with wanted you to choose. I'd have told him to pack his bags because my mutt is like my 4 legged kid.

You should have done it 'doggie-style' with him as a sign of forgiveness.

morgaleigh 6

I'm sorry OP, your ex is seriously messed up.

BellaBelle_fml 23

I wouldn't necessarily say that OP's ex is messed up. He was most likely being immature and spiteful towards the OP.

Convincing someone to throw away their dog is a psychopath thing to do, especially since he is now the owner of it. Definitely stay away from guys like this.. Clearly ****** in the head.

I hope the dog had some sort of silly name, like captain barks or something. Then he'd have to live with loosing his manhood.

2RaRa25 6

I'm sorry, OP. Next time, ditch the guy, not the pet :) And really, that's so messed up for him to do that, you didn't deserve that.

michael99man 5

Get a new boyfriend from the pound.

kayPandastyle 15

HAHAHAHAH I was waiting for someone to suggest this

Wow...that's just messed up. I mean, you kinda deserve it for abandoning your pet - that's just cruel, you should've dumped the guy as soon as he seriously suggested it so it's kinda karma. The situation is still really messed up though so FYL..

minorcrisis 8

I don't see how someone would release their pet to a pound just because their significant other didn't like it. Most pounds are a terrible place. And most animals there get killed, unless it was a 'no kill' shelter. Just be thankful your dog did not get killed.

I didn't know they were allowed to do that! That just makes this 100x worse to me. The thought of someone leaving their pet at a pound for such a silly reason was already horrible to me, now it's just unthinkable.

#29 & 53, it depends on the shelter. Some kill when they're out of room (depending on the shelter, the first to go are either newcomers, those who have been there for a while and haven't been adopted yet, or any that are deemed less adoptable, say if they bite or have bathroom problems), but many don't, and many do their utmost to find good homes for as many animals as possible. (But I agree; giving up a pet to the pound should not be done if there are ANY other alternatives -- taking on a pet is a lifetime commitment. Any chance the ex adopted it because he felt guilty?)

60, yes, many do their best to find homes, but sometimes it just isn't enough. Overpopulation is a huge problem. Dogs and cats are killed all the time simply for space. At my local shelter where I volunteer, than can be over 10 animals a day. Because so many come in and not enough leave. Also, biting will get an animal killed even in a no kill shelter. Being a black animal or shy qualifies them as less adoptable. Surrendering an animal to a no kill shelter will guarantee safety for your animal, but cause an animal to be killed in a "kill" shelter nearby. One more homeless dog, one less homeless dog. Spay and neuter! And keep your pets - you've made a commitment to them!

10 a day is a nice number. The humane society I worked at had so many coming in (and never enough room) that we'd be putting animals down non stop from 8am to 7pm. Spay and neuter. Don't buy from petshops. When you get a pet keep it for life. And if you absolutly must give it up (I'm talking life or death situation here), don't feel bad for giving it to a kill shelter. I've had experiance with both kill and no kill. Biting doesn't always mean they put the dog down at either. But the dogs at the no kill? Some of them have been in those kennels/cages so long they are now "kennel crazy" and cannot ever be adopted out. It's like putting a human in isolation for too long. I nearly got bit about once an hour at the no kill, while at the kill shelter it was cut down to more like once a week. Big difference. Better to be put down when you're no wanted than allowed to go insane and never leave the cage.

brierpoop 4

I would never give up my dog for a boyfriend.