By SkinsCastSelection - 17/01/2011 09:53 - France

Today, my girlfriend was giving me a hand job. As I reached my climax, she thought it would be funny to turn my 'weapon' against me. Boom, headshot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 268
You deserved it 29 219

Same thing different taste


lmfao! thats classic and why r u complaining if its yours and she finished the job anyways

Headshot BITCH! like if you get the reference

udeserveditbro69 0

I will never understand why it's perfectly acceptable for a guy to feed a girl her own juices, but that same guy will freak out if his girl so much as tries to kiss him after a *******. Double standards much?

Haha Headshot get it like never mind lol

So, is skinscastselection one person, or what? Lot of gender swapping across the name there.