By Spockx - 06/08/2012 11:20 - New Zealand - Hamilton

Today, my girlfriend told me she was over her addiction and wished to quit cold turkey. I cancelled all my plans to stay home and support her. She didn't mean her tobacco addiction, no no. Her corn chip addiction. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 380
You deserved it 2 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sinamoi 18

Corn chip addiction is some serious shit.

It's nice to know that you care about her enough to do that, though. You're much better than all the douchebag boyfriends usually featured on FML.


olpally 32

Tobacco is terrible and she should quit that.. But not the corn chips, especially if they're laced with pieces of bacon! idk if that's possible to lace bacon with corn chips, but it's an awesome idea.

KiddNYC1O 20

I think OP knows that she needs to quit....thanks.

I think we should all lace #26 with bacon-flavored corn chips.

chocolatepandas 2

Well, you know what they say. Corn chips are the gateway chip.

b0ngs 7

Next comes tostitos and before you can realize the severity, Extreme Doritos. Such a sad thing really.

Don't tell me you've eaten just "one" corn chip before . Cornchips are just non cancerous tasty crunchy yellow versions of cigarettes .

Good for her if she wants to stop eating corn chips. But if you want her to quit tobacco, just talk to her and ask her. If she's supportive of you and cares about what you want, then she'll seriously think it over. Also, it's hard to quit, so be patient. When my dad quit, he was in cold sweats and in a terrible mood for weeks. So support her, and talk about it!

perdix 29

Often addicts find it easier to swap one addiction for another instead of just dropping the one. Perhaps you can up your game and get her into a raging sex addiction ;)

I tried that once ..... My partner got so addicted that she started to chaff and eventually I couldn't grab multiple bags of corn chips as my hand was so bandaged up....Oh wait I probably should of started with that information .

It's fantastic that you support her in her attempt to quit. Even if it's just corn chips, having someone there who cares is a godsend. When I quit cold turkey with my addiction to prescription drugs (they were misprescribed) my parents couldn't have cared less. Just support her and perhaps she'll move on to her nicotine addiction.

lonelyisland23 3
b0ngs 7

Well one would assume it would be tobacco seeing as *ahem* corn chip addiction is...uncommon? unheard of? ahh screw it

I think corn chips smell worse than tobacco. But if she can give up corn chips, then I think she can give up smoking. I know smoking is addicting, but it does a lot worse to you.