By schwange - 15/05/2010 17:07 - United States

Today, my girlfriend left me for my best friend. Over a text message with "lol" in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 977
You deserved it 3 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments


LOL can also mean Lots O Love, AKA cheating (in some ****** up world)

haahah maybe he's confused about what lol means my dad informed me my grandmother was dead via a sms with lol in it. i think he may have meant lots of love... i hope so any way

@123 ............ i also hope so anyway

Totally sucks for you, I'm so sorry lol

RegalFolf320 0

I'd say that's stupid, but I can't be sure. It depends what you were "lol-ing" about. Considering you left it out, it may have been something you shouldn't have found amusing...Idk.

jenjen1112 0

wow thats low I was upset when my ex broke up with me on the phone I can imagine u smh well she was prolly to immature to tell u in your face u dont need ppl like that in your life..

celeste_shadow 0

Man, that's some ****** up shit and you deserve some good ol fashioned revenge!

sind3r3la 0

wow some of these dumb ass people don't get it? how can you not get it?? idiots..

I always do that.. cas I feel bad. haha