By dieders - 12/12/2016 14:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because I thought she wasn't being serious when she said her mum wanted me to pay to stay the night at her house for the first time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 059
You deserved it 677

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So, did the mom want the money because you wanted to stay the night or did she want the money for the sex? Depending on which, the FML increases drastically.

Do you leave a quarter on the back of the toilet too?


Probably best to leave her before you get in legal trouble for a potentially illicit romance. Best of luck finding someone who isn't a prostitute!

Do you leave a quarter on the back of the toilet too?

Her house, her rules. I assume the girlfriend, nor you, pay her bills.

While in essence true, there is a limit to the ridiculousness of those requests. And also, the FML was not really about that request itself, but about the fact she broke up with him for him thinking it a joke...

I'm pretty sure the mum just wanted to show you who's boss

Mum is basically pimping out her daughter. What's he really paying for? It ain't rent.

So, did the mom want the money because you wanted to stay the night or did she want the money for the sex? Depending on which, the FML increases drastically.

ohsnapword 21

I thik you will look back at this and it won't be an FML moment, but more like "I really dodged a bullet there".

Goblin182 26

I think the word you are looking for is her pimp.

lee47_fml 6

If this was to be a marriage, what else would the Mother expect you to pay for..? You are actually lucky she broke up with you. If she cared SHE would have told her mother where to take a hike. She instead, decided to let her mother paint her as a prostitute. You deserve WAY better than that