Light 'em up, boys

By Clogged - 25/11/2020 17:02 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, a week after I quit smoking, I lit up again. Was it stress? Cravings? No. I haven't had a crap since I quit, and can't take this gut ache anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 842
You deserved it 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Laxatives and/or more fibre in your diet help with that. I go through the same thing any time I stop drinking for a while.


Laxatives and/or more fibre in your diet help with that. I go through the same thing any time I stop drinking for a while.

phybreawptic 13

Magnesium citrate will fix that right up

Sady_Ct 37

I quote smoking a week ago too! And I’m also from Queensland! Try vaping! Soo much better. You will have to order your nicotine in but Axel from Super Vape Store will help you right out!

xxlk4xx 6

coffee and vaping! and it tastes better too!

coius 23

Be glad you aren’t on my pain killers. Those make my digestive system go backwards. Imagine no matter how much fiber you take, or laxatives consumed, you still can’t crap without it looking like a bloody murderfest from the strain and push required to evacuate a 747 Max out of your colon.

just drink a litre of water and take 2-3 coffees back-to-back in the morning. You will explode like a volcano. Also, once you are so stuck, one poop leads to the next, and the next.. happy ********!